Gauntlet Applied Research

Optimal answers to any economic question

Gauntlet Applied Research provides custom research, analysis, and optimization for virtually any protocol growth challenge.

We solve problems like:

Protocol incentive programs often show negative ROI

From incentive and fee optimization to bridge security, Gauntlet Applied Research will study your protocol’s needs and apply our quantitative techniques to validate your best path toward growth.


Wasted incentive spend


Airdrop ROI

Gauntlet Applied Research

Optimize your path to protocol growth

Drive growth by optimizing protocol efficiency and safety

Make strategic decisions with cutting-edge insights from the crypto-native leader in economic design

Leverage Gauntlet’s research team, data platform, and experience

Innovate faster by minimizing discovery lead-time

Access broad expertise, skills, and capacity beyond a protocol’s core team

Maximize incentive program impact

Model and validate incentive ROI using quantitative optimization techniques


Research Papers Published

Gauntlet specializes in advancing the industry’s understanding of crypto-native economics


Annual Optimized Spending

Gauntlet’s work enhances ROI and preserves protocol runway


Expert Team Contributors

Benefit from the specialized knowledge of our team of economic, software, and high-frequency trading experts

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Quantitative optimization of anything in crypto

Gauntlet uses advanced statistical techniques for quantitative analysis, modeling, and optimization. Our methods are applicable to optimizing validator efficiency, incentivizing developer participation, accelerating ecosystem utility, and mitigating gaming of incentive programs.

Diverse applications throughout protocol lifecycle

A partner that adjusts with your needs, from pre-launch protocol design through mature ecosystem stabilization and efficiency optimization.

Broad and deep expertise

Access to the knowledge and years of experience of the full Gauntlet research team.

Advanced data platform

Insights generated using Gauntlet’s best-in-class platform for data ingestion, simulation, and modeling.

Efficient governance

Gauntlet analysis makes for efficient protocol governance decisions based on thorough quantitative conclusions from an independent, credibly neutral party.

Varied and customized scopes

Highly flexible engagements serving a wide variety of protocol analysis needs, durations, and budgets, so you can address one-off needs or preserve treasury optionality.

Thom Aslanian

Director of Product and Token

"Gauntlet has played a key role across the protocol’s tokenomics and various mechanisms to help optimize ecosystem growth in a measured and sustainable manner. Their bespoke, collaborative, white-glove engagement style makes working on complex problems seamless."

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Tell us about your protocol’s needs

1/4 Name

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2/4 Contact Info

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3/4 Protocol Info

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4/4 Details

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