What we do

Financial modeling for crypto

Simulate Risk Parameters

Maximize risk-adjusted return while mitigating risk

Model Cross-Protocol Interactions

Monitor, calibrate, and promote economic stability

Maximize Protocol Growth Efficiency

Sustainably drive usage, liquidity, and volume

Gauntlet leads the industry

27 research papers published

$9 billion client assets protected

380 billion predictive data points

Trusted by

Who we help

Solving economic painpoints all
across crypto

“Gauntlet has played a key role across the protocol’s tokenomics and various mechanisms to help optimize ecosystem growth in a measured and sustainable manner.”

A quotation from

Thom Aslanian

Director of Product and Token, Immutable

How we work

The Gauntlet approach

DeFi Research Team

Advancing our methodologies with the industry’s latest research, before risks can impact clients

Quantitative Optimization

Bringing mathematical rigor to decision-making with techniques from quantitative finance

Powerful Data Modeling Platform

Infrastructure to ingest billions of data points to feed our models and simulations

Robust Experience & Service

60+ alumni of the world’s top institutions, committed to protecting our clients 24/365

A unique combination of expertise, tooling, and scalability. Our DeFi research team, powerful data modeling platform, quantitative optimization techniques, and robust experience are unmatched.

Learn more

Contact our team

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3/4 Protocol Info

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